10 Best Android Tricks You Should Know

Top 10 Best Android Tricks You Should Know

Android is the most well known and adaptable working framework for cell phones in the present situation which is likewise clear through the way that it represents practically 86% offers of offers in the cell phone showcase. 

The fundamental explanation for such a raised methodology is being open source, adaptable and exceptionally adjustable. Likewise, the accessibility of huge amounts of utilization by a large number of engineers for the equivalent resembles what tops off an already good thing.

Presently, as an Android client, you should need to investigate the unlimited conceivable outcomes for getting the most extreme out of your Android gadget. 

Following the equivalent, we are here with the best Android hacks and deceives you should know at this moment. These traps and hacks won’t just make you more astute yet additionally change the manner in which how you connect with your cell phone.

Best Android Tricks 

1. Install Linux on your Android Phone without Root


Install Linux on your Android Phone without Root

Install Linux on your Android Phone without Root

You may be shocked to realize that it is actually conceivable to open the Linux interface and direction brief on your Android telephone. 

Presently, introducing a Linux on Android has dependably been a dreary undertaking and frequently requires root however here, we do have an approach to do that without root or any exceptional learning and abilities.

By utilizing Debian No root application, you can introduce Linux appropriation Debian on your Android telephone to complete a couple of utilitarian things. 

It is fundamentally a working framework dependent on Linux which enables the client to introduce LibreOffice, GIMP, and another open-source programming through APT (Advanced Package Tool) and utilize the equivalent.

To do this, you simply need to introduce the Debian No root application from the PlayStore, at that point simply open it like some other application and enable it to download the full bundle for complete establishment. 

When stacked completely, you will be invited by a mouse-situated work area interface where you can download and introduce certain projects or amusements simply like on some other adaptation of Linux. 

In any case, there is unlimited potential outcomes to be investigated in the event that in case you’re exhausted with your Android.

2. See back the Notifications you Swiped Away

See back the Notifications you Swiped Away

See back the Notifications you Swiped Away


Ever cleared every one of your notices in a rush without understanding them legitimately? 

No doubt, I realize that happens regularly and later comes the acknowledgement that you may have missed something imperative, possibly something from an application which you don’t have the foggiest idea, in such case will you squander your time opening each application to recheck warnings? 

All things considered, we have an answer for that too.

Basically long-press and hang on your home screen to show up the screen-changing mode. Presently, tap on gadgets and search for the Settings easy route gadget which should resemble an essential settings gear. 

Next, drag it to someplace on your home-screen which will be trailed by a popup list enabling you to look over fundamental alternate ways like openness, application information, battery, gadgets, battery, memory and so forth. Simply look for the alternative named “notice log” and select it.

After which you can see all your past warnings from all the applications with the season of appearance utilizing the alternate way.

Star Tip: You can likewise utilize this trap to peruse the Whatsapp messages which have been erased by the sender utilizing Delete for Everyone choice. 

3. Use your LED flash and Camera for Heart Rate monitoring


Use your LED flash and Camera for Heart Rate monitoring

Use your LED flash and Camera for Heart Rate monitoring

Yes, it is possible to monitor your pulse rate without the use of any a fitness tracker or devices with a dedicated heart rate monitor. 

At once, it might seem like a gimmick or joke for you but it does actually work to a certain extent.

Now, there are many apps available which let you track your pulse rate. The ones which actually work require your finger to be placed on the LED flash after which the app uses the camera to track colour changes under your skin to monitor the amount of blood passing through.

Given that this is software dependent, don’t expect much accuracy and make sure that the LED flash on your phone doesn’t reside too far from the camera lens. 

Also, use a good application for the same as the Instant heart rate app which we have used here for best results. 

4. Reduce Lag and Delays on Android

Use your LED flash and Camera for Heart Rate monitoring

Use your LED flash and Camera for Heart Rate monitoring


In the event that you have a fundamentally old and low-end gadget, at that point, you may confront slacking and solidifying issues frequently while utilizing it. 

It may even slack while performing fundamental errands like calling or utilizing Whatsapp. 

In such a case, you may imagine that it is because of the maturing of the gadget, well, in a word it’s actual yet can be corrected utilizing a straightforward workaround.
In fact, Android draws from a predefined set of arbitrary information for performing a large portion of the activities. 

At the point when the gadget comes up short on this entropy pool, it needs to modify itself causing delays in opening applications.
This the issue can be settled by utilizing the Seeder application which takes the procedure that creates information and performs it consistently. 

At that point, it sustains that information to another irregular information pool and continues invigorating it consistently and further uses that information to keep the framework pool squeezed up with the goal that it never runs out. 

This outcome in quicker application dispatches, slack free liveliness, and diminished route slack. 

5. Track your Android Smartphone


Track your Android Smartphone

Track your Android Smartphone

Ever lost a telephone? in the event that indeed, at that point you may have had a horrendous encounter as I did subsequent to losing my telephone at the eatery. 

On occasion, we lose our telephones and the most the noticeably bad part is in the event that we kept them on quiet, at that point there’s no other way you can get it back with the exception of utilizing Google’s Find My Phone application.

The best part with Android is that on the off chance that you added a Google Account to your Android gadget, at that point Find My Device is consequently turned on. 

Along these lines, at whatever point you lose your gadget, simply head over to android.com/find in any program and sign in with a similar google account. 

Presently, you can see the area of your gadget and can additionally, eradicate every one of the information remotely, lock it down with a message or make it ring boisterous (regardless of whether it’s in quiet mode), given that your lost gadget approaches the web and area is on.

In addition, on the off chance that you need to follow cellphone for nothing of your companions, family or accomplice subtly out of doubt, utilizing any government agent applications like Spyzie. 

6. Tweak the Status Bar using System UI Tuner


Tweak the Status Bar using System UI Tuner

Tweak the Status Bar using System UI Tuner

On the off chance that in the event that you’re exhausted with your present status bar or plan of including and expelling certain alternatives then you never again need to depend on outsider applications.

You simply need to empower the shrouded settings menu called “Framework UI Tuner” which should be possible by holding the settings gear present in the Notification switch menu. 

On doing likewise, the apparatus a symbol will begin turning pursued by a toast message affirming that System UI the tuner has been empowered.

Presently, you will most likely observe the System UI tuner menu in the settings application where you can determine what kind of symbols you need to show up in the status bar like a sign for introduction, systems, earphones (this ain’t empowered as a matter of course on certain telephones), and so on. 

You can additionally change additional settings for Do Not Disturb mode, notices and Always On Display (whenever bolstered).

Be that as it may, this shrouded setting may not be available on telephones with custom UI like EMUI/MIUI and more established android adaptations. 

7. Use the Navigation-Buttons as App shortcut


Use the Navigation-Buttons as App shortcuts
Use the Navigation-Buttons as App shortcuts
Have you ever thought of utilizing the route bar for something more than simply returning home, shutting applications and opening late applications? 

The Button Mapper application offers the usefulness to utilize similar catches for activating distinctive applications and errands.
You can remap your keys to dole out applications dependent on your activities like twofold tapping the both of home, later and back catch. 

I did it for conveying twofold tap the home catch to trigger the camera application and twofold tap the ongoing catches application to open Gmail. Besides, you can likewise alter your volume and headset catches for a similar reason.
Curiously, this application likewise permits altering the Active Edge highlight on the bolstered gadgets like the Pixel 2 and the Pixel 2 XL. 

8. Lower the Display Resolution of your Phone

Lower the Display Resolution of your Phone

Lower the Display Resolution of your Phone


Bringing down the presentation goals is an incredible workaround for sparing battery that is being eaten up by those additional pixels. 

Additionally, the higher goals may prompt slacking and warming issues while playing high escalated diversions which for the most part stress the processor.
Hence, you may need lower goals than that what your gadget offers locally. 

For this, we have two strategies: one requires root consents while other doesn’t. On the off chance that you’re as of now established, at that point just introduce the Resolution Changer application from Play Store and change the goals and pixel thickness.
Be that as it may, in the event that you are reluctant towards establishing your gadget, at that point there’s another technique too which requires a PC (Windows, Linux, or Mac) and enables you to change the pixel thickness and goals utilizing ADB directions (without root).
Note: Some producers like Samsung and Honor give an inbuilt choice to the equivalent.
Note that this application requires ROOT and isn’t good with the more up to date forms of Android. 

In such a case, you can likewise attempt the L Speed application for accelerating your Android telephone.
For individuals who are not willing to root their cell phones can empower engineer choices by tapping multiple times on the fabricated number in About gadget area, after which you can decrease the activity speed by 0.5X or even debilitate them totally. 

This will essentially decrease activity slack and make your gadget quicker. 

9. Improve Graphics in Games

Improve Graphics in Games

Improve Graphics in Games


Need to produce the most extreme speed and gaming execution from your Android gadget? at that point, you should attempt the GL Tools (illustrations enhancer) application once.
This the application requires root consents to work and gives you a chance to crush better execution on lower-end gadgets by tricking it like in case you’re running an alternate processor. 

Likewise, you can tune in your designs for better visuals and better powerful range in recreations.
Additionally read: Best Game Hacking Apps for Android
So that was supportive of now. We will endeavour to keep the article refreshed. Tell us in the remark segment that what number of the hacks and traps that we recorded above you definitely knew. 

Likewise, on the off chance that you have some different traps at the top of the priority list, at that point, we will love to incorporate them in the article. 

10. Force Control the Orientation

Force Control the Orientation

Force Control the Orientation


In specific telephones, the producers give the charging port and earphone jack on the base casing which ends the client experience when utilizing the telephone when connected or listening to music utilizing wired headphones while laying level on the bed. 

This is the place the Adaptive Rotation Lock application acts as the hero.

It is a lightweight and advertisement free application which lets you physically set the introduction of the substance being shown on your screen. 

You can switch between Reverse Portrait, Force Landscape, Reverse Landscape and Force Auto alternatives from notice flip, giving you the opportunity to utilize your gadget regularly regardless of whether you are holding it Reverse Portrait.
It is likewise useful for certain applications and particularly home-screen which don’t bolster the default turn framework locally.

If you have any problem or queries related to this post, then do not hesitate to ask in the Comment box. You can also send your queries to our email techhub2k19@gmail.com for quick Reply. We will be happy to help you.   


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